日本財団 図書館


In addition, a proposal had been forwarded to build a dedicated oil spill equipment storage facility fitted with overhead crane.


5 Bilateral Agreement


To further enhance the capability and close cooperation in combating oil spill at the common border, the Governments of Malaysia and Brunei Darussalam had signed a MEMORANDUM OF STANDARD OPERATING PROCEDURE FOR JOINT OIL SPILL COMBAT IN THE SOUTH CHINA SEA INCLUDING BRUNEI BAY FOR BRUNEI-MALAYSIA, on 7th November 1995 at Kuala Lumpur. The objective of the Standard Operating Procedure are


- To provide early alert to both States and any major oil spill occurring in or threatening the Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei territorial waters and ExclusiveEconomic Zone.


− To institute prompt measures to control any major oil spill occurring in or affecting the Sabah, Sarawak and Brunei territorial waters and Exclusive Economic Zone.


− To facilitate the most affected State to take the leading role to co-ordinate and integrate the actions and efforts of both States and possible two party in combating the oil spills; and


− To provide easy and ready references on any key operational personnel, equipment and particular procedures to enable speedy movements across States.




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